South Allouette – February 2017

by Leigh Burton

So Sunday, Feb 26, I woke up to snow and wondered, “Whatever prompted me to decide to join a trip on the South Alouette today!?” Oh well, I’d already loaded up the car and was ready to go.

10:00 am saw us at the 232nd Park at the gateway to the Golden Ear Park. Mike D was there, John G, Roger V and Dave W as well as me. We all looked like we were keen. It was overcast and who knew what the weather would actually be later in the day.

We decided to put in about 1km upstream of where we were in a little park (Cross Cabin’s Park?). Here we unloaded the boats and arranged the shuttle. John paddled tandem with Mike, Roger was paddling with Dave, and I was in my little solo boat.

The water level was perfect for a first trip of the season. I don’t know if my eyesight is failing (possible) or the light was at an odd angle, but I had an awful time seeing the rocks that were just under the surface. I clunked along for a bit, and then the sky cleared! YIPPEE! SUNSHINE! The wet rocks sunk! What a glorious day. Sunshine and gently moving water! It just doesn’t get any better, does it?

No difficulties were encountered – no drama, no wild rapids, no narrow escapes. Just water and sunshine.

This morning, as I write this report and watch the snow falling again, I am so glad for yesterday. Thanks Dave, for organizing this for us.

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