Trip Report: Chilliwack River

  • September 6, 2024

Chilliwack River  *  August 25, 2014  *  Leigh B

Well, we had rain, then we paddled.  On Saturday, the river was running around 70 cms, but by Sunday, only 41.  We arrived at the Lickman Road Access at 10:00 am.  The group was made up of

Six boats paddled by David W, Phil R, Alister D, Bob P, Scott and son Eric N, and me, Leigh B.  Try to guess who was the only dumpee of the trip (twice).

We paddled from Osborne Rd down to Lickman Road Access on a lovely Sunday.  Overcast partly, but lovely sun mostly. 

Since I haven’t paddled the Chilliwack this year, and have not paddled my solo boat often (second trip this year), to say I was nervous is an understatement.  Osborne pool was fine, and the first little drop was ok too.  After that, the river was completely new to me.  During the rains last winter and this year, new courses have been gouged out – corners where there were perhaps straight stretches, drops where there were probably flat sections, trees where there were none. The river is still lovely and quite paddleable, however, there are more small, shallow drops rather than steeper drops with flat sections between.  

Phil was our first boat and did a great job finding the safest routes down.  There is a large log across the river in the first third of the river but other than that, it was easy paddling all the way down. 

It was entirely my own fault that I fell out of my boat on the inside of a curve in less than a foot of water and only 2 or 3 feet from shore.  No harm done so I was able to get the boat empty and was trying to get in when I decided to test the far side edge of the boat and flipped a second time.  Worried paddlers arrived to find me laughing at myself. 

Once we were at the Vedder Bridge, the river was still changing and Dave W led us to the takeout as he had paddled it most recently.  It is totally unrecognizable from there down.  I don’t think you could take out at Peach Road, and the takeout at Lickman isn’t straight forward.  You have to paddle on the outside of a gravel island, come around to river right at the foot of the island, get out and line your canoe up the shore side and then ferry across to the mainland.

It was a wonderful day, and I hope to paddle the Chilliwack again soon.

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