The Gataga/Kechika

August 2016

image1Not exactly a club trip, but I know many Beavers enjoy tripping and I don’t know any who have done this one.

Nine of us had the privilege of paddling 300 km through the most Northerly of the spectacular Rockies. The river carries the paddlers through the Trench and past Terminus mountain – the official end of the 3000 mile range that starts in New Mexico.

The trip has it all. A scenic fly in from Muncho Lake, relatively inexpensive compared to other fly-in trips. Enough interesting rapids to excite. A panorama of mountain views. Great camp spots everywhere. A take-out on the mighty Liard with the reward of the hot springs a short drive away.

We allowed 10 days & wished we had more for lingering & hiking in this special place.

Now to assemble all the photos, maps & video for a club presentation this fall!

Dan Burnett

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