Seymour River
Lower Seymour, (138 steps to Allied Shipyard)
Max Gradient: 11m/km; Length 3.5 km.
Grade: 10 to 20 cms, II: 20 to 35 cms, II+, above 40 cms is in the trees.
See Note re Water Levels below.
- At water flows of 15 cms or more and low tide there is an underwater weir type structure across the entire river between the Dollarton Hwy. Bridge and the Railway Bridge. It creates a significant reversal that grows with water volume. Approach carefully on river right for take-out/portage options.
- Quite often there is wood in the final corner above the Dollarton Hwy. Bridge.
- Cold water.
Full Run: Start 2288 Riverside Dr. Parking pass required May 15 to Oct 1.
If you present your vehicle registration at
355 West Queens Road
North Vancouver, BC
Say you are a member of the Beaver Canoe Club and they will give you a pass. You can also obtain passes for other vehicles if you have a copy of their registration.
Phil has the Beaver Canoe Club key to the gate that is locked between May 1 and September 15th.
No Pass required options:
- Alternate 1: Swinburne Ave. (.75 k) Max gradient: 8m/km)
- Alternate 2: Park n Play at km 5.5; Max gradient 4m/km
- Alternate 3: Put in behind Maplewood farm.
Upper Seymour
Water levels from several gauges may be accessed at: -> Water
Grantham Bridge: User; public, Password; nhcwater! (note the !)
In the left panel click on “chart” then in the “Select Chart” box type “Grantham” or “Seymour inflow/outflow.”
The dam controls the water level of the river. It is usually turned off about June 1st in a high snowpack year and earlier in other years. When it starts raining in the fall the water can rise rapidly especially if it is on early snow.
There is a lag of about 1.5 hours between Spur 4 & Grantham depending on whether the water is rising or falling and how many days it has been raining. The difference between the two gauges is about 20% when the lake is full.
Max Gradient: Spur 7 to Spur 4 Bridge Grade II,
Spur 4 to Twin Bridges, 16m/km; Grade III.
Length of Run: Spur 7 to Spur 4 Bridge, 5k. Spur 4 to Twin Bridges, 7km.
10 to 15 cms; solo boats
15 to 20; bumps but doable for tandems
20 to 25; great
25 to 30; getting pushy
>30; swims will be long and mean. Definitely not for tandems.
- As always the odd sweeper is a possibility
- The last kilometer has three grade III rapids. The first is lengthy and continuous; It culminates in a right hand turn with a large rock in a hole. there is a rescue pool. The second ends at the big rock. The best route is usually on the left. The third can be walked. It is a large hole in the centre. The best route is cutting hard right.
- Cold water.
- If you are swimming at the new suspension bridge, abandon your boat and get off the river, preferably on the left – there is a dangerous canyon just below.
- LSCR gate. Access only by prior appointment. (778) 452-4580
- You will need to fill out a form at the entrance.
- Please note all speed restrictions, especially when off pavement. Hikers, dog walkers and cyclists do not expect a vehicle on the gravel access to twin bridges and many resent vehicles there. Approach any and all at a walking speed. Minimize the number of vehicles going to Twin Bridges. There is only parking for two or three.
See: Upper Seymour.kmz
On the rock or bridge piling:
- 2 = 12 cms
- 3 = 20 cms
- 4 = 30 – 35 cms
- 5 = 45 cms